Iowa State Fair

Horse Barn renovation

Bid Tabulation(download)

Congratulations to Eick & Day Construction, Air Con Mechanical and PAR Industries Electrical for being awarded this project.

Please return your bid sets to Iowa Reprographics, Inc.

Bid Ended:  Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 2 pm.

Pre-Bid Meeting: A pre-bid meeting will be held at the ISF Maintenance Shop, 601 E 34th St, at 3:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, October 24, 2024. The purpose of this meeting is to review the bidding requirements and the project scope and tour the site

Refundable Deposit:  $250.00 with a check or a current Master Builders Card.

Checks need to be made out to Iowa State Fair and brought to Iowa Reprographics when the plans are picked up.

If you have questions or need to order a set of plans, please reach us at 515-244-5705 or

Plans can be picked up at

Iowa Reprographics, Inc.

3 College Ave, Suite 3

Des Moines, IA 50314

If you download the plans, please fill out the form below so we can update you with Addenda and information on this project.

Please add us to the Plan-Holder's List


Project Manual(download)

Addendum #1 issued 10-29-24(download)

Addendum #2 issued 11-4-24(download)

Addendum #3 issued 11-5-24(download)

Addendum #3R1 issued 11-6-24(download)

Plan-Holder's List-updated 11-7-24am(download)