Iowa State Fair -

West Outdoor Events Area

Rest room addition

Bid Tabulation (download)

Bid Ended:  Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 1 PM Local Time

Pre-Bid Meeting: Thursday, January 19, 2023 - 1 PM - The Maintenance Shop at the Iowa State Fair.

Refundable Deposit: $100.00 per set with check written to Iowa State Fair or current Builders Association Plan Deposit card.

Sets can be picked up with deposits at

Iowa Reprographics Inc.

3 College Ave, Suite 3

Des Moines, IA 50314

Our contact information is: 515-244-5705 or

If you download the project, please let us know or fill out the form below so we can add you to the plan-holder's list and update you with Addenda and other information.

Please Add Us to the Plan-Holder's List

Drawings (download)

Project Manual (download)

Plan Holder's List updated 2-2-23(download)

Addendum #1 issued 1-25-23(download)

Addendum # 2 issued 1-30-23(download)